Greetings For Chinese New Year


Only a few days, we will enjoy the Chinese Spring festival with family and friends.I believe you have to say something for the coming year. Here are some common options with rough English translations for greeting Chinese in Tiger Year.

Nǐ 你 and nín 您 can be interchanged depending how formal you want to be. And you may or may not need a”zhù nǐ/nín” 祝你/您 (“wishing you”) before each of these.

Year of the Tiger Messages

  1. hǔ nián kuàilè 虎 年快乐 = Happy Year of the Tiger
  2. hǔ nián jíxiáng 虎 年吉祥 = Have a lucky Year of the Tiger
  3. hǔ nián xíng dà yùn 虎 年行大运 = May the Year of the Tiger bring you great luck
  4. xīhǔ zhù nín hǔ nián wàng 犀 虎祝您虎年旺 = May the rhinoceros-tiger bring you a prosperous Year of the Tiger*

Standard New Year’s Greetings

  1. dà jí dà lì 大 吉大利 = Good luck and good profit (see also New Year’s puns)
  2. gōnghè xīnxǐ 恭 贺新喜 = Happy New Year
  3. gōngxǐ fācái 恭 喜发财 = get rich
  4. guò nián hǎo 过 年好 = Happy New Year
  5. jiā hé wàn shì xīng 家 和万事兴 = If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper
  6. niánnián gāoshēng 年 年高升 = get a promotion every year
  7. shēntǐ jiànkāng 身 体健康 = have good health
  8. shìshì rúyì 事 事如意 = everything go according to your wishes
  9. shìshì shùnlì 事 事順利 = everything go smoothly
  10. wànshì rúyì 万 事如意 = all your wishes come true
  11. xīnnián kuàilè 新 年快乐 = Happy New Year
  12. xīn xiǎng shì chéng = wishes come true
  13. xiàokǒu chángkāi 笑 口常开 = always smile

Heart Marathon

Sheila also gave me this as an example of a longer message friends might send to each other. This one features the character for “heart” at the end of every line:

hǔ nián zhùyuàn nín: gōngzuò shūxīn, xīnshuǐ héxīn, bèiwō nuǎnxīn, péngyou zhīxīn, àirén tóngxīn, yíqiè shùnxīn, yǒngyuǎn kāixīn, shìshì chènxīn
虎 年祝愿您:工作舒心,薪水合心,被窝暖心,朋友知心,爱人同心,一切顺心,永远开心,事事称心!

Here’s the breakdown:

hǔ nián zhùyuàn nín 虎 年祝愿您… = this Year of the Tiger I wish you…

  • gōngzuò shūxīn 工 作舒心 = comfortable work
  • xīnshuǐ héxīn 薪 水合心 = suitable salary
  • bèiwō nuǎn xīn 被 窝暖心 = warm-hearted bed
  • péngyou zhīxīn 朋 友知心 = caring friends
  • àirén tóngxīn 爱 人同心 = harmonious marriage
  • yíqiè shùnxīn 一 切顺心 = happy everything
  • yǒngyuǎn kāixīn 永 远开心 = eternal happiness
  • shìshì chènxīn 事 事称心 = everything satisfactory

Anyone else know any other standard New Year’s greetings we can send as text messages? Do share.

*Apparently there are five kinds of tigers in traditional Chinese lore. Here’s Sheila’s explanation:

五 虎给你来拜年,犀虎祝您虎年旺,奶虎愿您体健康,黄虎为您送事业,水虎给您保平安,犛虎伴您游天下。

I think I’ll save a more in-depth look at that (and pinyin transcription) for a later post, unless someone else would like to explicate that and give me the link. That would be even better!