He bothered me with a great many questions – 他对我提了一大堆问题,真烦
Chinese Sentence: 他对我提了一大堆问题,真烦!
English Translation: He bothered me with a great many questions.
Simplified | Traditional | Pinyin | Tones | English |
他 | 他 | ta1 | tā | he / him |
对我 | 對我 | dui4 wo3 | duì wǒ | To me |
提了 | 提了 | di1 le5 | dī le | Raised |
一大堆 | 一大堆 | yi1 da4 dui1 | yī dà duī | A lot of |
问题 | 問題 | wen4 ti2 | wèn tí | question / problem / issue / topic / |
真烦 | 真煩 | zhen1 fan2 | zhēn fán | Really annoying |