What we read influences our thinking – 我们所阅读的书本会影响我们的思想

Chinese Sentence: 我们所阅读的书本会影响我们的思想。 
English Translation: What we read influences our thinking.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin Tones English
我们 我們 wo3 men5 wǒ men we / us / ourselves / our
suo3 suǒ actually / place / classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc / that which / particle introducing a relative clause or passive / CL:個|个
阅读 閱讀 yue4 du2 yuè dú to read / reading
de5 de of / structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive
书本 書本 shu1 ben3 shū běn book
hui4 huì can / be possible / be able to / will / be likely to / be sure to / to assemble / to meet / to gather / to see / union / group / association / CL:個|个
影响 影響 ying3 xiang3 yǐng xiǎng an influence / an effect / to influence / to affect (usually adversely) / to disturb / CL:股
我们 我們 wo3 men5 wǒ men we / us / ourselves / our
de5 de of / structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive
思想 思想 si1 xiang3 sī xiǎng thought / thinking / idea / CL:個|个