Words can’t express what I felt then – 无法用语言形容我当时的感受

Chinese Sentence: 无法用语言形容我当时的感受。 
English Translation: Words can’t express what I felt then.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin Tones English
无法 無法 wu2 fa3 wú fǎ unable / incapable
yong4 yòng to use
语言 語言 yu3 yan2 yǔ yán (spoken) language / CL:門|门
形容 形容 xing2 rong2 xíng róng to describe / appearance / look
我当时 我當時 wo3 dang1 shi2 wǒ dāng shí I was
de5 de of / structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive
感受 感受 gan3 shou4 gǎn shòu to sense / perception / to feel (through the senses) / a feeling / an impression / an experience