How to use “忽然” and “突然” in Chinese(Section 1)
“忽然” and “突然” is a pair of synonyms in Chinese, from the meaning that both close to the line indicated that comes very quickly in a short time, and the unexpected so that many foreign students would often equating the two terms, thinking that the two can replace each other and therefore the sentence to say something wrong.
Such as: 1.这场大雪来的很”忽然”啊! 2,这事情发生的十分”忽然”。
The reason happened the error is to confuse the two grammatical these Chinese words. In fact, the same two words, though meaningful, but t there is a big difference in usage, and therefore can not be completely equated. Let’s look together at the difference between these words.
1, “忽然” and “突然” when the situation can be replaced each other:
1. As adverbials, in addition to semantic to突然slightly heavier than “忽然” and the two basically the same meaning, you could use. Such as:
2. “忽然” when is the adverb can be placed only before verbs, adjectives such as:
Next section we will introduce the “忽然” and “突然” which is not interchangeable situation.